A Voice From On High - Ricky Skaggs

I hear a voice callin' it must be our Lord
It's comin' from Heaven on high
I hear a voice callin' I've gained a reward
In the land where we never shall die

The Savior has paid a great price for me
He gave His life on Calvary
So, I'll follow His footsteps up the narrow way
And be ready to meet Him when He calls on that day

I hear a voice callin' it must be our lord
It's comin' from heaven on high
I hear a voice callin' I've gained a reward
In the land where we never shall die

He died on the cross, the old rugged cross
That we would be saved from sin and not lost
So, I'll follow his footsteps up the narrow way
And we'll pay that debt on the great Judgment Day

I hear a voice callin' it must be our Lord
It's comin' from Heaven on high
I hear a voice callin' I've gained a reward
In the land where we never shall die