All You Died For Me To Be - Ray Boltz
All You Died For Me To Be Words and music by Ray Boltz I've had trials and I've had doubts I've felt your presence And walked it out Every step of my life You've been here with me And as we walk together Down a road I cannot see Chorus: I want to live All you died for me to be I want to walk In all you bought on the Tree 'Cause you suffered so much pain You didn't suffer that pain in vain 'Cause I want to live All you died for me to be Now this road isn't easy You know it's true When they laugh at me, I know They laughed at you And when they say I've gone too far I'm not the way I used to be I ask myself this question Did you go too far for me? I want to live All you died for me to be I want to walk In all you bought on the Tree 'Cause you suffered so much pain You didn't suffer it in vain 'Cause I want to live All you died for me to be Help me take my eyes off my problems And take a look at what you faced When they raised that hammer high And they held those nails in place When I see Calvary it's all different When I see Calvary it's all changed And I know I can overcome Just because you overcame Chorus I want to live All you died for me to be I want to live All you died for me to be 2002 Shepherd Boy Musicascap.
Artist: Ray Boltz
Title: All You Died For Me To Be