Always - Phil Collins

Dreams will all come true
Being here with you
And time will fly
Caring each day more
Than the day before
Till spring rolls by
And when the springtime has gone
Will my love linger on
 meaning   byMsCPerez0615     The songwriters posted is incorrect. Irvin Berlin composed this pIece and is copyrighted in 1925. The lyrics are exactly the same (verse 2), Phil Collins did…    See all   
'Cause I'll be loving you
With a love that's true
When the things that you plan
Need a helping hand
I will understand
Always, always

Days may not be fair
But that's when I'll be there
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
Oh but always

Days may not be fair
But that's when I'll be there
Not for just an hour
No, no, not for just a day
Not for just a year
Oh but always
Artist: Phil Collins
Title: Always