Back In The Day - KJ-52

Back in the day when I was a teenager
Before I had status and a two-way pager
You could find the KJ listening to hip-hop
Blastin it so loud my parents was like "Turn it off"
I used to rock turtlenecks with MC Hammer pants
Watch Yo MTV raps just to catch the latest dance
I did the running man they said not bad for a white man
I said I'm not really white I just really need a tan
I used to write the girlie's phone numbers down upon my hand
And I didn't go nowhere without my tapes and walkman
Rolling up the bottom of my pants as tight as I can
And I'm up late at night talking to my girlfriend saying...

Whatcha doin?
I gotta go
Umm allright
You hang up first
No you hang up first
On the count of three...1...2...3.. Still there?

Back in the day(I was so cool)
Back in the day(The coolest one in school)
Back in the day(Well I can't lie to you)
Back in the day(I was a nerdy little dude)

Back in the day when I was a teenager
I wanted lines in my eyebrows so I took a razor
But I messed up and accidently I just sshaved the
Whole eyebrow off I was like "I'm going crazy!"
See it was tough just growing up in the 80's 
But for me it was rough cuz no girls would ever date me
All the ladies I would ask out was like "Well maybe....
You're okay but you're no Patrick Swayze"
Unfortunately I think all my teachers hate me
Cuz i sit in the back making noises like I'm crazy
Ahhhhhhhhh...But it's all gravy
In third period today I'm gonna ask out this lady
Got the paper got the pencil now whoops here I go
Will you go out with me check yes or no
I'm feeling all slick when I handed her the note
I told you ten times already no now leave me alone


Back in the day when I was a teenager
I was only 15 when I just met my savior
And he came in straight in my heart and he just changed the 
Way I used to live in ill behavior
See it&
Artist: KJ-52
Title: Back In The Day