Blessed Night, When First That Plain - Religious Music
Blessиd night, when first that plain Echoed with the joyful strain, "Peace has come to earth again." Alleluia!. Blessиd hills, that heard the song, Of the glorious angel throng Swelling all your slopes along. Alleluia!. Happy shepherds, on whose ear Fell the tidings glad and clear, "God to man is drawing near." Alleluia!. Thus revealed to shepherds' eyes Hidden from the great and wise, Entering earth in lowly guise: Alleluia!. We adore Thee as our King, And to Thee our song we sing, Our best offering to Thee bring, Alleluia!. Blessиd Babe of Bethlehem, Owner of earth's diadem, Claim and wear the radiant gem Alleluia!...
Artist: Religious Music