Blood Junkie - Lamb Of God
A shallow little jackal of a man posing as a hawk. Conniving opportunist Lease the blade the gun the bomb in the name of justice. A violent panacea for what ails the nation In advancement for the pig. You'll not wrest the truth from my hands Eyes never closed clarity. Clamped down in a grip so tight on ordinary horror. Peering through a curtain of blood. Retribution or vengeance it matters not which As long as the pig stays on top of the ladder of bone his father has built. Ashes to ashes to the dust Eaten spiced with ambivalence. The nation swallows it all whole Weakened by their collective neck in the noose. Commerce brings war Jihad has come to both sides. Eye for an eye fire for fire Raining death as the towers crumble. This will never end. Left without a choice By the fiscal elite War is set in motion by higher powers. A pissing contest for the unknown. Left bankrupt we all die inside. As a couple jumps hand in hand to their death. Wrapped in swaddling lies and laid in a dumpster Spoon fed shit doesn't even turn their stomachs. Gaping mouths yawn for more abuse Someone needs to tip the nest. The pig ascends As I sink deeper Seething misanthropic Waiting for my death
Artist: Lamb Of God
Title: Blood Junkie