Burn With Jesus - Immolation

Behind the walls of Christ 
the hypocrites recite songs to glorify 
their king who's died in vain 
they betray the holy son 

Extinguishing his light 
Their greed and their desire 
Have torn him from his cross 

They took down upon us 
As their God looks down upon them 
And sees them for what they are 

Devoted to their saints and all their hails to Mary 
Confessions show their weakness 
Pathetic show of faith 
They ease their guilt 
Through the Rosary 
Their false display of pit 
Condemns the God they praise 

Their words of adoration 
Spewing from their lips 
Lie far from their hearts 
Their insincere tears 
Fall from lying eyes 
They'll never see his kingdom 
they'll burn with Jesus
Artist: Immolation
Title: Burn With Jesus