Captain America - Del The Funky Homosapien

The Falcon: "I don't know who that cat is  or why he's got a hate on 
Cap'; But I sure aim to 
find out!" 
Villain: "So bird man! You sneak up from behind; Precisely the sort of 
tactics I should have 
expected from you." 
The Falcon: "Save the conversation  for I am not behind you now  clay 
Villain: "Out of my way fool! This is good enough for you! And for 
Flexin' the futuristic style 
That will devistate minds 
As I find more elaborate metaphors 
So meditate 
Think for a second as I becken 
Abstract thoughts brought to the surface 
Watch as I burst this 
Rhyme flow 
I design slow moving tempos so the simple minded foes find my flows 
moving at the speed of light 
I need a tight 
Sample so I can dismantle your cranium 
Play me dumb if you want imbecile 
I can pick your brain 
like a grain of sand 
in an hour glass when its filled 
to capacity Cassidy 
Hop-a-long to the song that is strong 
I'm the massive bee 
with a twelve foot stinger and I wring you're little wet towel 
Cause I'm getting foul when I'm meddled with 
I settle this 
Violence I silence 
MC's who continue 
when you know you will fail 
Slow snail as I salt ya 
Then watch ya shrivel up and sizzle cause I'm hard like Gilbralta 
You're butter-soft so you can park it out ya little chauffeur 
Cause I go for the esaphogus when I choke ya 
Broke ya skeletin ya fail again 
And I'm the victa 
You can pick the time and the place 
So you can get a taste of medecin for your medulla cause I school a 
Ferris Beulla cuttin class cause yo