Cemetery Guns - Fountains Of Wayne

That thundercloud is creeping up the Empire Hill 
There's shadows on the overpass 
And puddles in the old dirt path 

Lay silent still in the belly of the overgrown 
All quiet on the open plain 
Footprints to the family plot 

Where evermore will restless sorrow sleep 
In a broken heap 

Cemetery Guns go bang bang bang 
Shooting all the sky full of holes 
Twenty-one times in row 
For the blue war widow in the gray raincoat 
On the green grass down below 

Our fathers came and settled where the ground was flat 
Drew water from the Indian wells 
Cut timber from the rolling fells 

Bled hearth and home for oiling the company gears 
No rest for the errant ones 
Godspeed their reckless sons 

Who evermore play their forefathers' hands 
On the foreign sands 

Cemetery Guns go bang bang bang 
Shooting all the sky full of holes 
Twenty-one times in row 
For the blue war widow in the gray raincoat 
On the green grass down below