Cranial Dismemberment - Centinex

Infected suppurated flesh 
Shattered to the bone 
A terminal mutilation 
Your body is desecrated 

Your innards I squeeze 
Boil the head to mush 
A severe emanation 
Of rotten entrails and blood 
Inflammatory dissection 
The body is torned open 
Human flesh diluted 
A cranial dismemberment 

Maggots chew the disseminated 
Shreds, even your soul is devoured 
Skin and bones, flesh and veins 
Morbid putrefaction 
Obscene mutilation 

Rip the virulent entrails 
Roaste and fry the corpse 
As your life was a living hell 
The death will be a pleasure 

A outlet of my hate 
In a scientific crematory 
Your organs grotesquely shrink 
A deformed body remains 
Left in the grave