Deliver Me - Ellis Paul

She can turn a room round on a dime 
part a crowd like the Red Sea 
she's Moses 
and stranger's eyes 
all fall and rise 
on her length 
like they're sizing up roses 
Delivery? she could deliver me 
she broke her own commandment 
thou shall not steal from me 
my breath is gone 
that's burglary 
never trust a prophet 
in a party dress 

I'm here waiting on a train 
there are things that I can't explain 
like how I got tied to the tracks 
and why love goes down 
like some robbery 

Deliver me 
Deliver me 

There's a punchline on the sidewalk 
but the joke seems kind of cruel 
It's the ones your friends aren't telling 
that makes you look the fool 

So you step out into traffic 
cause it's safer on the street 
you react to perfect strangers 
as if the world's complete 

It's when you are anonymous 
you can pull the wool over all of us 
but when you lean 
don't fall on us 
broken more or less 

Have you ever been ashamed 
Have you ever been defeated 
crying, calling out her name 
like love can never be repeated 
the whole worlds bringing you down 
for a million different reasons 
it's just the end of one more season 
where love came to run you down
Artist: Ellis Paul
Title: Deliver Me