Destructo Spin - Between The Buried And Me

King Kong illusion...destruction! Crumble this place of existence. Let's 
bow down to the king of the masculine, the macho redneck lord. Killing 
innocent for the revenge of the innocent...turning this country into 
shit. Just another rich white game. Bomb the world...Ice for my cramped 
hands. This controller is designed poorly and the blood keeps staining my 
suit. The plasma screen shows me stutter but technology will prove 
everyone wrong. Ego trip headfuck. I've been hired for destruction. The 
King Kong of the century has been molded by me. Leading them blindly into 
brainwashed blood lands. My world expands with your destruction. I have 
to prove my strength. Peer pressure of a nation, selfish action spreads.
Kidding myself. Do I really care or worry about any of this? My 
conscious controls me, but deep down I don't think any of this makes me 
lose sleep. Once again I prove my confusion. Mordecai flies once again. 
Will he ever truly stay gone?