Drop - Massivivid

I do not want to do what I'm about to 
But I don't know if I can stop
I'll gladly trade my nothing 
For your everything
I just get so scared that I will drop

Hope casts me headlong into you
I never saw my shadow 'till I saw the light
And now I need more light to drown it out
I cannot bear that this should continue
Nor can I bear that it should stop

Before the angels a man might sink but 
Before this one he'd surely die
And if he lived at all he'd have 
To laugh unquenchable laughter
Beneath my burning bones 
Here am I
Vina calls and I'm taken for a ride 
[translunary circles
spinning closer, falling]
In this world I've created 
I cannot hide
...don't kiss me as I fly
Artist: Massivivid
Title: Drop