End Of The Summer - Dar Williams

The summer ends and we wonder where we are 
And there you go, my friends, with your boxes in your car 
And you both look so young 
And last night was hard, you said 
You packed up every room 
And then you cried and went to bed 
But today you closed the door and said 
"We have to get a move on. 
It's just that time of year when we push ourselves ahead, 
We push ourselves ahead." 

And it was cloudy in the morning 
And it rained as you drove away 
And the same things looked different 
It's the end of the summer 
It's the end of the summer, 
When you move to another place 

And I feel like the neighbor's girl who will never be the same 
She walked alone all spring, 
She had a boyfriend when the summer came 
And he gave her flowers in a lightning storm 
They disappeared at night in green fields of silver corn 
And sometime in July she just forgot that he was leaving 
So when the fields were dying, she held on to his sleeves 
She held on to his sleeves 

And she doesn't want to let go 
'Cause she won't know what she's up against 
The classrooms and the smart girls 
It's the end of the summer 
It's the end of the summer 
When you hang your flowers up to dry 

And I had a dream it blows the autumn through my head 
It felt like the first day of school 
But I was going to the moon instead 
And I walked down the hall 
With the notebooks they got for me 
My dad led me through the house 
My mom drank instant coffee 
And I knew that I would crash 
But I didn't want to tell them 
There are just some moments when your family makes sense 
They just make sense 

So I raised up my arms and my mother put the sweater on 
We walked out on the dark and frozen grass 
The end of the summer 
It's the end of the summer 
When you send your children to the moon 

The summer ends and we wonder who we are 
And there you go, my friends, with your