Everything and That - Bill Madden
Welcome to the crusade Get ready, here we come To democratize the world With shock, awe and bombs The lemmings are ecstatic Obsequious in glee Sycophants of disaster Genuflect to the king We are everything and that Which is in everyone, yet Don't own up to the connection We're everything and that Which has come and gone Yet fail to learn and The mantra goes om Living Orwell's vision Of suspicion, cloak and veil In a world without borders And anthrax in our mail Righteous politicians Evangelical in zeal Strippin' away our rights With reactionary bills We are everything and that Which is in everyone, yet Don't own up to the connection We're everything and that Which has come and gone Pages turn and The mantra goes om We are everything and that Which is in everyone, yet Don't own up to the connection We're everything and that Which has come and gone The empire burns and The mantra goes om Everything and that...
Artist: Bill Madden
Title: Everything and That