Fall From A High Place - Immolation

Messiah or man 
To me you gave this bloodied crown 
And with it came such tragic folly 
such strong devotion from those so weak 
Lend me your soul...I'll fill it with fear 
Carry you high to where you can see 
The fall that awaits, so inviting and cold 
From the high place we'll fall below 
In death I am born 
From man to God 
Through blindness 
Your suffering 
Forced upon this cross...High above in shame 
Forced upon this pedestal...High above the blame 
Your blood holds my Kingdom high 
A kingdom built on fear and lies 
So sour has this bread and wine become 
For I am not a God, a martyr or a king 
I've bled as you bleed 
I've cried as you cry 
I've sinned as all of you 
I've died, as you will too 
But I see through your blindness 
And I wait for your fall 
Resurrected by your faith 
But I'll never walk this world again 
Hang me high above all and nail me to forever 
Never let me fall from this highest of places