Father, You're Not A Father - Immolation

Bless me father 
For you've sinned against me 
It's been one week 
since you've raped me 
holy Father, your spirit inside me 
Holy Father, robbed my virtue 
Holy Mary, mother of Christ 
The fruit of thy womb has poisoned me 
Father, you're not a father 
Rapist, selfish taker of youth 
The fires you cast out 
I promise you for eternity 
Our father who aren't in heaven 
Inside of me, my soul is lost 
My manhood, so miniscule, was stolen 
The Rosary has gripped tight around my neck 
I hailed Mary...Over and over again 
You've failed Mary 
You've raped Mary...Over and over again 
You've walked beside me, but I was alone 
You've walked on top of me, crushing me 
My innocence and my emotions 
Were wiped away and you didn't care 
You just hid behind your collar 
The hardest time, I was helpless 
And it was too late, much too late 
Touch me I'm warm, but not alive 
Feel my hot breath, but I'm not living 
Dead inside, Alone forever 
Father why...Father why 
Father, you're not a father 
Rapist, selfish taker of youth 
The fires you cast out 
I promise you for eternity