Genetic Engineering - Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark

Efficient, logical, effective, and practical
Using all resources to the best of our ability
Changing, designing, adapting our mentalities
Improving our abilities for a better way of life

Babies, mother, hospital, Scissors
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer

These are the little children, the future in our hands
When all God's children on this earth inherit all our plans
These are the lies they tell us but this is the only way
When all God's children on the earth will evermore be saved

Babies, mother, hospital, Scissors
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer


Babies, mother, hospital, Scissors,
Creature, judgment, butcher, engineer

These are the little children, the future in our hands
When all God's children on this earth inherit all our plans
These are the lies they tell us, the future's good as sold
In all the things we do and know, we really must be told