Get Blown Away - Ocean Colour Scene

Get Blown Away

And when she blows the candle flame to smoke 
She says a prayer for all of those who live in houses and in homes 
And Monday she'll go down town standing naked in the road 
You may know what I am 
But who I am you don't know 

She'll run across the mustard dust sand 
Scream down the wind 
And the sea is in a cold 
Like when in holiday homes 
And houses like sweet confectionary 
And sandcastles and drinking wine 
Hungry dinners perfectly timed 

And mother and father glowing young 
Happy to be each other together 
When she blows the candle out 
She goes to bed and lies and drags through her head 
The day that went way of every day 
But tomorrow she'll fly a plane 
Over the fields where the houses aren't built yet 

She smiled sweetly across the room 
Through the lunch time smoke 
And I loved her for a second 
And discarded the queen and I know 
How sweetness turns sour 
And leaves they turn to brown 
And then to earth and dust 
And settle in this town 
You get blown away...

(Repeat 1st Half) 

She smiled sweetly across the lunch time smoke 
And I loved her for a second and discarded the queen and I know 
When men are being little boys again 
And women cruel step mothers of old 
And this is the invention 
The adventure of my own 
I get blown away...

(Submitted By Caroline Young)