Good Ol' Mikey Burns - Abominable Slowmen
The green grass grows where the red rocks rise And the mountain goats stick to the mountain sides But the van broke down with a crick-crack sound So we sat on the side of the road in Montana A dirty old marmot hid beneath a tree While the Kraken was unleashed to keep us company Then the tow truck arrived and the journey revived As we sped down the road for Cut Bank, Montana We rolled into a town with streets full of bears And arrangements were made for vehicular repairs Then heard the good word as we were referred To the only rental shop in Cut Bank, Montana We waddled on over to a Loony Tune motel With mercs at the door to deter the clientele But we were ushered in by the mob's kingpin Who was good ol' Mikey Burns, Prince Thief of Montana Mikey Burns has got a Chevrolet Venture Mikey Burns has got your ticket for adventure He said when you're a-pressed with a policeman's concerns Just tell 'em you borrowed it from good ol' Mikey Burns We were led into his kitchen slash living room Enshrouded by an aura of taxidermic doom And where Mikey ate his meals he also did his business deals Right there in his home in Cut Bank, Montana We tried to haggle down but we were fools This was Mikey Burns' town with Mikey Burns' rules So we heeded his advice and paid the list price And our minivan snarled west on 2 in Montana It soon became clear that we had sold our souls To the only man eligible in all the polls The king of the town, the cock of the walk Ol' Mikey Burns in Cut Bank, Montana The sun comes up and the moon goes down And the casino bars open all around the town And Mikey Burns laughs all the way to the bank Cuz you can't prank a crank up in Cut Bank, Montana
Artist: Abominable Slowmen
Title: Good Ol' Mikey Burns