Goodbye Earl - Dixie Chicks

Maryanne and Wanda were the best of friends all through their highschool days 
both members of the four H club both active in the FFA 
After graduation Maryanne went out looking for a bright new world 
Wanda looked all around this town and all she found was Earl 
Well it wasn't 2 weeks after she got married that Wanda started getting abused 
She put on dark glasses and long sleeved blouses and makeup to cover her bruise 
Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce, she let the law take it from there 
But Earl walked right through that restraining order, and put her in intensive care 
Right away Maryanne flew in from atlanta on a red eye, midnight flight 
She held Wanda's hand, and they worked out a plan, and it didn't take them long to dicide 

That Earl had to die... 

Goodbye Earl 
Those black eyed peas, they tasted alright to me, Earl 
You feelin' week? Why don't you lay down and sleep, Earl 
Aint it dark, wrapped up in that tarp, Earl? 

The cops came by to bring earl in, they searched the house high and low 
Then they tipped thier hats and said thank you ladies, if you hear from him, let us know 
well, the weeks went by and spring turned to summer and summer faded into the fall 
and it turns out he was a missin person who nobody missed at all 
so the girls bought some land at a road side stand, down on highway 109 
they sell tennesee ham and strawberry jam, and they don't lose any sleep at night 

Cause Earl had to die... 

Goodbye Earl 
We need a break... 
Lets go out to the lake Earl 
We'll pack a lunch, and stuff you in the trunk, Earl 
Is that alright? Good! Lets go for a ride, Earl. Hey! 

Well, hey hey hey! 
Aww hey hey hey! 
Well, hey hey hey
Artist: Dixie Chicks
Title: Goodbye Earl