Greet The Sacred Cow - Primus

Third? time Ok
Call, ?
to Prayer in Arabic This
he told the Witch?
to Prayer in Arabic It
was created at the sixteenth century And
now historic, times (Boy)
Salaam malicum Because
they heard that more battles and (Boy)...
Salaam malicum Ok
ok, He. answers back in Arabic (Boy)
Salaam malicum He
answers back in Arabic He's
a real religious little kid Slice

me up a big slab of that sympathetic cheer If
I'm zapped with radiation they say I'll last another year Line

'em up now to greet the sacred cow My

hands are full of protein my; arms are made of fire If
you're calling me a diplomat then I'll be calling you a liar Line

'em up now Line
'em up now Line
'em up now to greet the sacred cow Line

'em up now Line
'em up now Line
'em up now Line
'em up now to greet the sacred cow Line
'em up now Line
'em up now to kill the sacred cow
Artist: Primus
Title: Greet The Sacred Cow