Hannibal - Phantom Of The Opera

This trophy 
From our saviors 
From our saviors 
From the enslaving force 
Of Rome! 

With feasting and dancing and song 
Tonight in celebration 
We greet the victorious throng 
Returned to bring salvation 

The trumpet of carthage resound 
Hear, Romans, now and tremble 
Hark our step on ground 
Hear the drums! 
Hannibal comes! 

Sad to return 
To find the land we love 
Threatened once more 
By Roma’s far-reaching grasp 

(All spoken) 
Monsieur Reyer: 
Gentlemen, gentlemen-- 

Monsieur Lefevre: 
Rehearsals, as you can see, are underway for a new production on Chalumeau’s Hannibal 

Monsieur Reyer: 
Monsieur Lefevre, I am rehearsing. 

Monsieur Lefevre: 
Monsieur Reyer, Madame Giry… 
… Ladies and gentlemen, please, if I could have your attention here for a moment? As most of you know, for some weeks there have been rumors of my imminent retirement. I can now tell you that these are all true… 

Carlotta: (interrupting) 

Lefevre: (Continued) And it is my pleasure to introduce you to the two gentlemen who now own the Opera Populaire: Monsieur Richard Firmin and Monsieur Gilles Andre. I’m sure you have read of their recent fortune in the Junk business. 

ANDRE: Scrap metal, actually. 

MEG:(Whispering to Christine) They must be rich. 

Monsieur Firmin: 
And we are deeply honored to introduce our new patron, 

Monsieur Andre: 
The Vicomte de Chagny 

CHRISTINE: It’s Raoul. Before my father died at the house by the sea…I guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts. He called me Little Lotte. 

MEG: Christine, he’s so handsome. 

My parents and I are honored to support all the arts, especially the world-renowned Opera Populaire. 

Monsieur Lefevre: 
Vicomte, gentlemen, Signora Carlotta Giudicelli, our leading soprano for five seasons. 

Brava! Brava! 

Monsieur Lefevre: 
Signor Ubaldo Piangi 

An honor signor. I believe I am keeping you from your rehearsal. I will be here this evening to share your great triumph. My apologies. 

Monsieur Reyer: 
Thank you, monsieur le Vicomte! 
Once more if you please, signor 

Madame Giry: 
We take particular pride in the excellence of our ballet, monsieur 

Monsieur Andre: 
I see why. 
Especially that little blond angel. 

Madame Giry: 
My daughter, Meg Giry 

Monsieur Firmin: 
And that exceptional beauty 
No relation, I trust? 

Madame Giry: 
Christine Daae 
Promising talent, Monsieur Firmin 
Very promising 
Monsieur Andre: 
Daae, did you say? 
No relation to the Famous Swedish Violinist? 

Madame Giry: 
His only child 
Orphaned at 7 when she came to live and train in the ballet dormitories. 

Monsieur Firmin: 
An orphan, you say? 

Hannibal’s Friends! 

The trumpeting elephant sound 
Hear, Romans, now and tremble 
Hark to their step on the ground 
Hear the drums! 
Hannibal comes! 

(all spoken) 
All day! 
All they want is the dancing! 

Monsieur Lefevre: 
Well, the Vicomte is very excited about tonight’s gala 

I hope he is as excited about dancing girls as your new managers 
Because I will not be singing! 

Monsieur Andre: 
What do we do? 

Monsieur Lefevre: 
Grovel, grovel 

Monsieur Firmin: 

Monsieur Andre: 
Bella Diva 

Monsieur Firmin: 
Goddess of song 

Monsieur Andre: 
Monsieur Reyer, isn’t there a rather marvelous aria for Elissa in Act. 3 of Hannibal? 

Monsieur Firmin: 
Perhaps the signora-- 

Yes, Monsieur Reyer? 

Monsieur Reyer: 
If my diva commands 

Yes, I do