Hard As Iron - Judas Priest

Whipcrack, stings the sky
Don№t mess with me I№m danger
The meanest one alive
Earthquake, breaks the Richter scale
The more that you resist
The more the pain you№ll feel
I№m blazing on to glory
There№s thunder in my veins
And nothing stands before me
Forever I№ll remain
Hard as iron
Sharp as steel
Stop for no man
You better beg and kneel
Untouched, cold as ice
I№ll turn your blood to water
Strangle in my vice
Shock waves, bones to dust
You№re messin№ with a mine field,
So expect the worst
I№m blazing on to glory
There№s thunder in my veins
And nothing stands before me
Forever I№ll remain
Hard as iron
Sharp as steel
Stop for no man
You better beg and kneel
As I destroy, last thing you№ll hear me cry, is victory, is
I№m blazing on to glory
There№s thunder in my veins
And nothing stands before me
Forever I№ll remain
Hard as iron
Sharp as steel
Stop for no man
You better beg and kneel
Artist: Judas Priest
Title: Hard As Iron