Heavy Mental - Killah Priest

[Killah Priest] 
The mind  Heavy Mental  Jesus Christ is  Heavy Mental 
Everything brings in  Heavy Mental day  the day you will experience 
Heavy Mental  never done  Heavy Mental.. 
Information begins the gathering 
starting the pattern and stargate towards Saturn 
between the eye socket is where I will build my sky rocket 
you don't need any passport  all you need is a thought 
suddenly  the soul becomes hot as coal 
the flame blows from out my brain holes like a volcano 
the brain begins to process as we start the conquest 
from out the physical bondage, the thought 
launches, voyaging 144 billion light years through the shadows of your 
now open your eyes do you see the flaming arrows aiming at pharoahs 
as we begin-racing like a sparrow through the narrow population 
seeking purification, the destination is the holy land, of Bethlehem 
I eat lamb with Abraham and break bread with the son of man 
so slowly, hold these hands and stretch forth from the skies like a 
rubber band 
as I begin to step you above the land out of the atmosphere 
don't look back why, cause we're almost there 
just try to prepare and adapt to the air pressure 
now we searching for the mental treasure (pleasure) 
beyond the measure of yards 
you can't comprehend to god or to distance between stars 
pick up quasars inside the radar 
as we're going far past any astronaut 
moving so fast in this aircraft 
everything we pass get hot, from the take-off 
the blast turns glass into rocks 
at last my supreme task was to no longer walk on green grass 
till I become a beam of gas 
and travel through a extreme draft 
unable, to be picked up through cable (through cable) 
out of the reach of all
Artist: Killah Priest
Title: Heavy Mental