Hummingbird - Kris Delmhorst
Here in the dark, I won’t even make a spark. You’re the only one who’s never seen The way I can light up in shades of gold and green. I’m just a little firefly, I want to shine for you but I’m too shy, So when you come around I hide my light. But when you go away I shine for you all night. Out there in the sun, I’d open up for anyone. You’re the only one who closes me Because I want to be the brightest thing you’ve ever seen. I’m just a little dandelion, I want to blossom but I’m scared of trying, So I hide my head when you come into the room. But when you go away I come right into bloom. And I can’t look down, I’m way too high, And I can’t look up, into your eyes. Well I never was afraid to sing out loud, in front of anybody, any crowd. You, you make me lose my nerve Feel like something more than I could ever deserve. I’m just a little hummingbird, I want to sing but I can’t find the words, So when you come around I just go still But after you move on, when I know you’re gone, Then I sing for you the way I always will.
Artist: Kris Delmhorst
Title: Hummingbird