Hunger - Nick

the hunger, when your stomachs void pasterured lips 
dehidration sets in a lack of water to the brain 
give me condensation and winters rain 
matearilistic to the backbone 
il dicect your manifested spinal cord parapeligic 
to dumb and brain numb to see passed the media haze 
as they inject fear into your veins on a daily basis 
similar to a scag heads homeostasis 
my verbs slip off the end of the needle tip 
straight into the crimson rivers my words hang you on a pivot 
greed one of the sevens sins 
these men usually end up with doble chins 
the begin bulge around the waist, 
as they indulge there minds and noses 
in a confidence inducing verbal clanging nose detiriating brain alterating 
pharmacutical concoction of monotonus routine 
day after day they begin blurr 
mixed up in a witches coldrun 
you need a new magical potion 
presadency, is it just me or the people who dont wat power should be running the show 
power hungry they turn it into a circus act 
with crazed clowns running around in there mothers wedding gowns
upon these transvestites i frown, for all they do indulge
Artist: Nick
Title: Hunger