I Remember / Stranger Than You Dream It - Phantom Of The Opera

(As the light brightens, we see the PHANTOM seated at 
the organ playing with furious concentration. He breaks 
off occasionally to write the music down. There is a 
musical box in the shape of a barrel organ beside the bed. 
Mysteriously, it plays as CHRISTINE 
wakes up. The music keeps her in a half-trance) 
I remember 
there was mist . . . 
swirling mist 
upon a vast, glassy lake . . . 
There were candles 
all around 
and on the lake there 
was a boat, 
and in the boat 
there was a man . . . 
(She rises and approaches the PHANTOM who does not 
see her As she reaches for his mask, he turns, almost 
catching her. This happens several times) 
Who was that shape 
in the shadows? 
Whose is the face 
in the mask? 
(She finally succeeds in tearing the mask from his face. 
The PHANTOM springs up and rounds on her furiously. 
She clearly sees his face. The audience does not, as he is 
standing in profile and in shadow) 
Damn you! 
You little prying 
You little demon - 
is this what you wanted to see? 
Curse you! 
You little Iying 
You little viper! 
now you cannot ever be free! 
Damn you . . . 
Curse you . . . 
(a pause) 
than you dreamt it - 
can you even 
dare to look 
or bear to 
think of me: 
this loathsome 
gargoyle, who 
burns in hell, but secretly 
yearns for heaven, 
secretly . . . 
secretly . . . 
But, Christine . . . 
Fear can 
Turn to love - you'll 
learn to see, to 
find the man 
behind the 
monster: this . . . 
carcass, who 
seems a beast, but secretly 
dreams of beauty, 
secretly . . . 
secretly . . . 
Oh, Christine . . . 
(He holds out his hand tor the mask, which she gives to 
him. He puts it on, turning towards the audience as he 
Come we must return - 
those two fools 
who run my theatre 
will be missing you. 
(The lair sinks into the floor as the PHANTOM and