In The Beginning - First Breath

when the sun came out for the very first time
then it first shinned across the evening sky
it was a formless waste land
and darkness coverd the abyss
control the day and night
separate the light from the darkness
bring forth all kinds of creatures

the recounting of the origion 
of the world and of man
then the sun came out for the very first time
when it first shinned across the evening sky

it has begun--------------
all life on earth         |
in the begining           |-------chorus
the creation of man-------

the bone at last is bone of my flesh
for out of man one has been taken to recreate a new being keeper of the flcks and tiller of the soil

      * chorus*

why are you so resentful and crest fallen 
sinn is a deamon lurking at your door
listn to my utterance 
i have killed a man for wonding me a child for brusing me

such is the story of the heavens and the earth at there creation 


this i see in you 
this i preach to you 
this i see in