Inferno - Nasty Savage

Poles lie twisted in the ruins of Warsaw's shattered 
The Wermacht's strength has left it's mark with 
lightning speed and power 
The West responds uneasily to face another war 
The Axis lords plan their assults for their territory 

From frozen arctic wastes the battle rages in it's 
To blazing desert sands the land is overrun with blood 
On land and sea in the air the swords of nations clash 
The West is stabbed with a vicious blow and writhes in 


Continental Europe falls under Axis occupation 
But England stands unfalliable despite a constant rain 
of fire 
The Deutsch Luftwaffe fails as the RAF stands strong 
So the Fuhrer's eyes look to the east to Russia's 
endless plains 

The Russian's lines collapse as panzers smash the 
Eastern Front 
But far too large a battle feild ends all hopes for 
Outmatched buy vicious weather, Moscow's walls remain 
And an army's strength and might lie dead and frozen 
in the snow
Artist: Nasty Savage
Title: Inferno