Karn Evil 9 Third Impression - Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Man alone; born of stone; Will stamp the dust of time His hands strike the flame of his soul; Ties a rope to a tree and hangs the universe Until the winds of laughter blows cold. Fear that rattles in men's ears And rears it's hideous head Dread .... death .... in the wind .... Man of steel pray and kneel With fever's blazing torch Thrust in the face of the night; Draws a blade of compassion Kissed by countless kings Whose jewelled trumpet words blind his sight. Walls that no man thought would fall The altars of the just Crushed .... dust .... in the wind .... No man yields who flies in my ship Danger! Let the bridge computer speak Stranger! Load your program. I am yourself. No computer stands in my way Only blood can cancel my pain Guardians of a new clear dawn Let the maps of war be drawn. Rejoice! glory is ours! Our young men have not died in vain, Their graves need no flowers The tapes have recorded their names. I am all there is Negative! primitive! limited! I let you live! But I gave you life What else could you do? To do what was right I'm perfect! are you?
Artist: Emerson, Lake & Palmer
Title: Karn Evil 9 Third Impression