King Of Rome - Pet Shop Boys

Small man, big world
Lost beyond the pale
I know you inside out
I can tell the tale

Across the sky a change of time
Last night I lost all day
I'm here and there or anywhere
Away from Manderley

And if I were the King of Rome
I couldn't be more tragic
My fate to roam so far from home
In search of my lost magic

Oh, baby come back
Oh, baby come back to me

The desert moon, a new lagoon
We glide upon the surface
Night falls fast, no shadows cast
Arriving without purpose

Oh, baby call me
Oh, baby call me today

And if I were the King of Rome
I couldn't be more lonely
With so much scope to dream and hope
Someday you'll deign to phone me

Oh, baby call me
Oh, baby call me today

I long for your inscrutable pale face
I hunger for your beautiful embrace
Artist: Pet Shop Boys
Title: King Of Rome