Let Me Go - Orlando

I hear your voice screaming into my music 
I had to rise .............. now for I'm moving 
I'd like to know you're ..............
About fall in love, fall in love 
Closing the door at my shoulders I'm waiting 
Living today it's my new life and growing 
Searching for my time I'm feeling so good 
Deep inside about my life 

Baby, let me go. I cannot stay with you 
Let me go. I don't wanna live with you 
Let me go. I want to change all my life. 
You are so blind 

Stay here in silence I look at the window 
Maybe you'll find something looks like a rainbow 
.............. let me down for yourself 
Like you're falling in love, fall in love 
Singing the song I have found my religion 
Waiting for you I have seen my confusion 
I feel you faith that you answer my questions tonight 
About my life
Artist: Orlando
Title: Let Me Go