Love You To Death - Judas Priest
You get me up, then we both get down We roll all night makin№ heavy sounds I№m all tied up on your bed I№d rather be inside your head Don№t do this, do it like that oh yeah You№ve hit the spot, give it all you got I don№t care I№ll teach you a lesson That you won№t forget Why don№t you save your breath Rcause I№m gonna love ya№ to death I№m comin№ to the point, I can№t hold back Then you ease off with your attack You№re the best I№ve had if you please You never stop, you great big tease Don№t do this, do it like that oh yeah You№ve hit the spot, give it all you got I don№t care I№ll teach you a lesson That you won№t forget Why don№t you save your breath Rcause I№m gonna love ya№ to death You can take me places, I thought I№d never go And when you turn your love on me Baby you№re the star of the show You can take me places, I thought I№d never go And when you turn your love on me Baby you№re the star of the show I№ll teach you a lesson That you won№t forget Why don№t you save your breath Rcause I№m gonna love ya№ to death
Artist: Judas Priest
Title: Love You To Death