Magical Lasso - Phantom Of The Opera

(BUQUET mysteriously appears, a length of fabric 
serving as a cloak, and a piece of rope as the Punjab 
lasso. He is showing off to the BALLET GIRLS) 
Like yellow parchment 
is his skin . . . 
a great black hole served as the 
nose that never grew . . . 
(Demonstrating his method of self-defence against the 
Punjab lasso, he inserts his hand between his neck and 
the noose, and then pulls the rope taut. With a mixture of 
horror and delight, the BALLET GIRLS applaud this 
(explaining to them) 
You must be always 
on your guard, 
or he will catch you with his 
magical lasso! 
(A trap opens up centre stage casting a shadow of the 
PHANTOM as he emerges. The GIRLS, linking hands, 
run off terrified. The PHANTOM, leading CHRISTINE, 
fixes his stare on BUQUET. Sweeping his cape around 
CHRISTINE, he exits with her But before they go GIRY 
has entered, observing. She turns on BUQUET) 
Those who speak 
of what they know 
find, too late, that prudent 
silence is wise. 
Joseph Buquet, 
hold your tongue 
he will burn you with the 
heat of his eyes . . .