Mario Twins - Group X
FRIEND1: Hey Slade! FRIEND2: Shiggity Shiggity Shwa... FRIEND1: Guess what idiot. FRIEND2: What you did today? FRIEND1: Uh... FRIEND2: Wrong! FRIEND1: Hey I got a new Super 88 system. FRIEND2: You did not. FRIEND1: Swear to God. I got it at Chunky's for two dollars eh. FRIEND2: Oh yeah, let me see it [pause] wow. FRIEND1: Yeah, you like that - idiot! I got it. You don't. FRIEND2: Shut up. Got game? FRIEND1: Hey guess what. It has new game. FRIEND2: What game? FRIEND1: I want to play it. It's called Mario Twins. FRIEND2: They look the same. Wow! FRIEND1: Good guys. They look so god damn like the same person. I would say to them, "you want ice cream cone?" Both of them say yes. How in the hell?! FRIEND2: They are twins. FRIEND1: Both of them. Hey lets play it. Ready? FRIEND2: It goes... ...then the fun begins
Artist: Group X
Title: Mario Twins