Mashed Potato Girl Intro - New Power Generation (N.P.G.)

Another day, another dollar 
Your nigga's home 
Don't make me holler 
Is anybody home? 
Hmm, I guess not 
Let's see what's on the hellavision 

U like the food here? 
Good, huh? 
(It's alright) 
Try the canolli, it's fabulous 
(I'm kinda full, alright) 
U gonna eat that meatball there? 
U, U just gonna let it... 
Maybe girl made some food out here 
Here, give it 2 me 
U're not gonna eat it 
(At least not now) 
Mmm, let's see what I can get up here 2 grease on 
Mmm, yeah 
Best meatball in the city 
What are U doin' there? 
Hmm, this might work 
(Give it 2 me, I'll eat it) 
Lemme see, mmm 
So tell me, U like broads? 
(They're alright, I...) 
Boy, have I got a broad story 4 U 
Yeah, some corn, yeah 
Let's see, uh 
I'm on a date with this broad, right? 
Lets' see, stove top directions, uh 
I bring her here 
Yeah, right here 
I thought I'd put some food in her belly 
Empty contents into small sauce pan, hmm 
U know, get a little curve in her slope 
U know what I'm sayin? 
Now let me go see if I can find one of these muthafuckers, hmm 
(Oh, gosh) 
So I'm like "Go ahead toots, order what U like, it's on me" 
Make her think I'm a big shot, U know 
I said "So order, order somethin' 4 me 2 
I'm gonna run 2 the little boys room 
Hmm, shit, that definitely ain't no sauce pan 
I gotta burp the baby 
Mmm, that ain't no sauce pan 
U know what I'm sayin'?" 
I figured she'd order me somethin' light 
Let me see if I can find this shit 
Like a couple of salads or somethin' 
Boy, was that a mistake 
I comes back from the bathroom 
Alright, got it, got it 
I'm sittin' there 
Ah, that's cool 
Waitin' 4 the food 
Now, if I can just get this corn open 
This broad ordered the whole left side of the menu! 
OK, let's see 
Said she just wanted 2 nibble 
Where's the damn can opener? Shit! 
Nibble my ass 
I'll open this muthafucker 
I'm hungry! 
This broad ate every fuckin' thing except the silverware 
Shit ain't openin' 
(Come on) 
I kid U not 
{phone rings} 
Shit's gonna open now 
I mean, she was a little on the thick side 2 begin with 
Alright, I got it, mmm hmm 
U know what I mean? 
But I figured she'd have the decency 2 pig out when she got home 
(Hey brother, what's up?) 
Not here, right? 
I mean U, U ever had a broad do that? 
Ain't nothin' but a wang 
(No, not really) 
Fuckin' pisses U off, am I right? 
My girl's gone somewhere 
Right, so I reaches over 
I... I'm just cookin' 
I took the fuckin' mashed potatoes and I threw 'em all over that broad 
Hey, hey, what's this? 
(Now wait a minute) 
That ain't all though, check this out 
Hmm, let me call U back 
The waiter sees what just happened 
What the... 
He's gonna be Mr. Macho, right 
He comes over and says 
"What U do that 4?" 
"I'm sick of the changes U put me through?" 
(And U said?) 
I said "What the fuck business is it of yours? 
I'm payin' 4 these fuckin' potatoes 
"All U think about is music?" 
I'll do what the fuck I wanna do with'em! 
Now bring me a fuckin' finger bowl!" 
"I'm leavin' your NBA no ballin' ass?" 
(What happened?) 
What happened? 
I'll tell U what happened 
Ain't that a bitch? 
Here, gimme some of that meatball 
(Hey, hey, I was gonna eat that) 
This punk waiter, he think he's the hero type, right 
He throws the finger bowl on my head 
I kid U not 
I'm sittin' there, head soakin' wet 
Mashed potatoes in my finger nails 
And this broad's crackin' up 
(Ha ha ha ha) 
I kid U not 
She's rollin' on the carpet, people... 
Gimme some water there 
(Hey, hey, get...) 
People leavin' the restaurant 
She's laughin' so hard potatoes are flyin' off her head 
(U got mad?) 
Damn right I was mad! 
I said, "Very funny" 
(Well, it is kinda funny) 
And I left her fuckin' ass right there 
Rollin' in those fuckin' mashed potatoes 
And I left this joint with out payin' a dime 
(Well, what are U eatin' here now 4 I mean?) 
That's the killer! 
I was so mad I bought this joint 
(But the girl...) 
Fuckin' right 
(What happened 2 her, man?) 
That's her over there, workin' the fuckin' cash register 
(Naw, her?) 
U gonna eat this? 
(That's the mashed potato girl?) 
Here, gimme this bread 
(She's, she's great, what do U mean?) 
Is this the best bread in the city or what? 
What the fuck's your problem? 
(Look at her, she's, she's gorgeous) 
U eat like a fuckin' parakeet 
I'm still hungry 
U hungry? 
(Naw, naw) 
Naw, U not hungry 
U want some bird seed or somethin'? 
Look here, order me somethin'! 
(Man, shut up now) 
I'm gonna run 2 the little boys room