Mass Arrest - Earth Crisis

The course set for complete oppression
An explosive destination
Fast forward ahead into time
Technology metamorphasizing

Beware, beware imposed serfdom
Beware, beware imposed serfdom

Robotics and machinery
Could tip the scales of power to an elite few
Wealth upon wealth amassed
A post-industrial plantation
Enforced by a surveillance police state

Beware, beware imposed serfdom
Beware, beware imposed serfdom

Robotics and machinery
Could tip the scales of power to an elite few
Wealth upon wealth amassed
A post-industrial plantation
Enforced by a surveillance police state
Police state, police state, police state

Is the 2 A.M. and the last of the patriots
All that stands between this plot's existence?
Is there an escape from the mass arrest procedure?

Robotics and machinery
Could tip the scales of power to an elite few
Wealth upon wealth amassed
A post-industrial plantation
Enforced by a surveillance police state
Artist: Earth Crisis
Title: Mass Arrest