Missing - Evanesence

(v1:)Please,please forgive me, but i wont be home again,i know someday You'll look up, and barely consious you'll say to no one,"isnt sumthing missing?"
(v2:)you wont cry 4 my absence i know,u forgot me long ago, am i that un important?am i so insignificant? isn't something missing? isnt someone missing me?
(CHORUS:)even though im the sacrifise, u wont cry 4 me not now,though i died to know u loved me, im all alone, isnt some one missing me?
(V3:)please please forgive me but i wont be home again, i know what u do 2 yourself, i breathe deep and cry out, isnt something missing?isnt sumone missing me?
(bridge:) and if i bleed, i'll bleed, knowing you dont care, and if i sleep just to dream of you i'll wake without you there, isnt something missing isnt sumone missing me.
Artist: Evanesence
Title: Missing