Monica Interview - Chris Rock

featuring Lil' Kim * 

* All snippets of Monica's +responses+ are Lil' Kim record samples 

[Chris Rock] 
Thanks for the interview Monica 
Now Monica  everyone seems to think they know ALL there is to know 
about Monica Lewinsky    but Monica  could you tell us one thing 
that people would be surprised to know about you? 

"I used to be scared of the dick; now I throw lips to the shit 
Handle it  like a real bitch.." 

[Chris Rock] 
Very interesting! Now Monica, there seems to be a lot of demands 
on your time. Could you tell us what a quiet evening with 
Monica Lewinsky would be like? 

"Got buffoons eatin my pussy while I watch cartoons.." 

[Chris Rock] 
Hmm, sounds like fun! 
Now Monica, who were your role models? 

"Zsa Zsa Gabor, Demi Moore, Prince Diane and all them rich bitches.." 

[Chris Rock] 
Now in the transcript, you refer to the President as Butthead 
Did the President have any nicknames for you? 

"Poon-poon nanny-nanny, punanni danni.." 

[Chris Rock] 
Ahh, cute! 
Now Monica, you and the President had a lot of phone sex. 
What was the one thing that you would say to the President 
that would make him acheive orgasm? 

"Before you nut, I'ma dribble down your buttcheek 
Make you wiggle, then giggle just a little.." 

[Chris Rock] 
Now Vernon Jordan helped you get a job 
What's the first thing you said when you met Vernon Jordan? 

"It's on nigga what? Pussy greased up 
Stack the G's up, keeps the knees up.." 

[Chris Rock] 
So are you saying you had an affair wit
Artist: Chris Rock
Title: Monica Interview