Monkey In Your Tank - OST Disney Afternoon

If you want the cheapest gas
And you don't know what to do-ey
Then fly your plane on over to
The pumps that are run by Louie
We also give you gifts (great gifts!)
And service on which to bank (great bank!)
So fly on over to Louie's
And put a...
Monkey in your tank!
Put a monkey in your tank!

If you need an oil change
But your wallet says "forget it"
Just come on over to Louie's place
He'll be glad to give you credit
Wash the windows, fill the tires (flat tires)
Make sure the cranks all crank (they crank!)
Check the choke and then he even may
put a ...
Monkey in your tank!
Put a monkey in your tank!

(Repeat first verse)