Morning After - Melissa Dori Dye

Nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

before tomorrow comes I think of you today
all this pain just makes me stronger
makes me want to break away
as I drift into tomorrow I know things are bound to change
and you know I never wanted things to be this way
be this way

I've had enough
I give you up
I've had enough
give you up

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

before tomorrow I will wish we had more time
but I know that when I wake up that will be left behind
I am listening to our memories
they are playing one last song
and I'm crusing in my bentley like we never were at all

I've had enough
I give you up
I've had enough
give you up

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after

nother day fades away
listen to it
break me off a new beginning
I flow to the morning after