Never Again - Cellador

Early on there came a time when I was facing 
A turning point in life 
So many years I tried to find it 

Thinking not of what is left to see in the future 
Take another chance to find 
That fading light shown in the distance 

Falling in place was I 
As I'm walking over edge 
A sea to join of wasted life 
Living on a broken ledge 

Deep inside a force not weak 
Ever longing for a way 
To break the streak that's holding me 
And leads myself astray 

Walking forever the life of the never 
It's all clear now to me, the answer has come (alive) 
One strong of heart, that'll never take follow again, never again, never again 

You've seen the fellow, what a mindless mass pretender 
Follow one and all alike 
Trying to feel the system's calling 

Assimilate with what is now, forgo all reason 
Take another place in line! 
Join up with all and lose your senses 

One day it hit me 
I would never be like that 
Free to see the sense in me 
Thinking not what others said 

Moving to a mind pristine 
That is strong of will and free 
And leaving all the ones that seek 
To be another sheep 

Walking forever the life of the never 
It's all clear now to me, the answer has come (alive) 
One strong of heart, that'll never take follow again, never again, never again 

So many things that I have 
Found waiting for me 
A vision so revealing 
Pure in all its majesty 

Deep inside a force not weak, 
Ever longing for a way 
To break the streak that leads myself away... 

Walking forever the life of the never 
It's all clear now to me, the answer has come (alive) 
One strong of heart, that'll never take follow again, never again, never again
Artist: Cellador
Title: Never Again