Pat-a-pan - Christmas Songs

[Verse 1]
Willie take your little drum
Robin bring your flute and come
let the music that you play
Tooralooraloo, pat-a-pat-a-pan 
Let the music that you play
Make a joyful holiday.

[Verse  2]
When the men of olden days 
Gave the King of Kings their praise
They would hear the flute and drum 
Tooralooraloo, pat-a-pat-a-pan 
They would hear the flute and drum 
Making Christmas frolicsome! 

[Verse 3]
God and man this day become 
Join us one with flute and drum 
Let the happy tune play on 
Tooralooraloo, pat-a-pat-a-pan 
Flute and drum together play 
on this special Christmas day!
Artist: Christmas Songs
Title: Pat-a-pan