Prom Queen - Pale Forest

I am so ugly, and it turns me inside out 
Queen of the ball, yeah I really have no doubt 
you just want to bring me down 
to make my moans the only sound 
and they have to wear the crown 
at last the new fool has been found 

I see the wretched creature staring back at mee 
from the magic mirror on the wall 
I see her pale and disfigured, how could it be? 
...cause ugly is me 

I am so ugly, and it turns me inside out 
the most beautiful of all, yeah I really have no doubt 
you just want to bring me down 
to make my moans the only sound 
for what is underneath my gown 
the new found fool will get her crown 

I feel it growing inside of me 
and I just cant get it out 
I feel myself growing ugly 
and I wont let you find out 

I see the wretched creature staring back at mee 
from the magic mirror on the wall 
I see her pale and disfigured, how could it be? 
...cause ugly is me 

All you ever wanted 
was to laugh behind my back 
when you tried so hard to dazzle me 
and get me off the track
Artist: Pale Forest
Title: Prom Queen