Redrum - Pale Forest

Cynical judgement lead the way 
to the ever growing fields of gold 
The table set for fast decay 
younger men erase the old 

Sullen glances paint their time 
on walls of disbelief 
Expansion, growth, the biggest crime 
to pick a budding leaf 

The woods are draped in white this year 
and those who pay will have their share 
The children drowning in their fear 
to pick a budding leaf 

The fields are full, the market eager 
Forever fertile is the soil 
Above the ground one life is meagre 
Forever traded dust for toil 

The woods are draped in white this year 
and those who pay will have their share 
The children drowning in their fear 
to pick a budding leaf
Artist: Pale Forest
Title: Redrum