Reinventing Myself - Adrija & Lokesh

Blankly staring at the street
Thinking of all I need
Nothing really comes into my mind

All the crazy ideas that were there
All the stories I wanted to share
They've just vanished with the time

I can feel the wind on my face
In this weird kind of daze
There's a whirlwind on nothingness

I don't know what to do
Sit around or play it cool
Maybe I could just stare at my shoes

Pre chorus-

This emptiness just keeps coming around like
Coming around like
The past just keeps haunting me like
Haunting me like


I don't wanna be the object you made of me
No I don't wanna be the same
So I'm just gonna lie around today
I'm just reinventing myself

Talk about day after today
Have to wake up to a new play
All the characters are brand new

But that's just in my head
"It's a dream", having that said
Be lost in the same

Now I'm back in my bed
Staring at the ceiling, like I said
Exploring this nothingness I'm in

I'm glad you left me this way
To myself not I have all day
To sweep off the floor of my head