Sayonara... Aishita taisetsu na hito
Koboreta namidaga yuki ni kawaru
Sayonara... Naiteta kinou madeno boku
Shizukani me o tojite
Sarigenaku kata o yosete
Madobe ni motareta
Sukoshi tereta shigusa de
Boku wa waratte ita
Karuku hoho ni kisu(kiss) o shite
Aruite yuku kimi o
Zutto miteta
Sayonara... Aishita taisetsu na hito
Koboreta namidaga yuki ni kawaru
Sayonara... Naiteta kinou madeno boku
Shizukani mewo tozite...
Chi-same no te-buru(table) de
Hutari dake no yume o...
Mienai mirai saemo
Kowaku wa nakatta
Hazimete no (album) arubamuni
Ureshisou na kimi o
Sotto miteta
Sayonara... Aishita taisetsu na hito
Kimi e no omoi dake wa kitto nokoru
Sayonara... Naiteta kinou madeno boku
Shizukana yoru dane
English translation:
Sayonaramy beloved, precious person.
Tears spill and turn to snow.
Sayonarato the me who cried until yesterday.
Quietly now, close your eyes.
Brushing past my shoulder without ado,
You went to lean against the windowsill.
You were acting brave, yet shy
I laughed a little,
And compelled, lightly kissed your cheek.
My gaze was riveted to you only
As you walked out of view.
Sayonaramy beloved, precious person.
Tears spill and turn to snow.
Sayonarato the me who cried until yesterday.
Quietly now, close your eyes.
Sitting at a small table together,
There were only our dreams
Even our uncertain future
Was nothing to fear.
You watched quietly while I looked at you in the new album.
The you within it seemed delighted.
Sayonaramy beloved, precious person.
I will always remain thinking of you only.
Sayonarato the me who cried until yesterday.
Its a quiet night, wouldn't you say?
Farewell to you, my dear loved one.
Teardrops turn into snowflakes.
Farewell to me, crying 'til yesterday.
Now just close my eyes...
I hugged your shoulder unobtrusively
And leaned against the window.
With a little bit of bashful behavior,
You smiled at me shyly.
Slightly you kissed on my cheek,
I was staring at you,
As you walked away to the door.
So long to you, my precious loved one.
Teardrops turn into snowflakes.
So long to me, grieved 'til yesterday.
Now just close my eyes...
At the smallish table,
We shared our dream together.
Even our future was unable to see for sure,
I was not scared at all.
It was because,
Delighted with our first album together,
You seemed so happy looking at it.
And I was just staring at you.
Farewell to you, my dear loved one.
Only my love to you will remain forever.
Farewell to me, crying 'til yesterday.
'Tis one silent night...