Shadow Are Astray - Centinex

Mortification of the innocent
The odious anger remains 
This is the final funeral 

Buried by the dust 
The dust from an ancient soul 
At a inverted crucifix 
your blessed body shall rot 

Your inner organs will be replaced by me 
I use your body for my sickening science 
My obscene autopsy of you 
as I cut you limb by limb 
Your body I sliced upon altar of my human 
flesh pot art 
I will slowly perverted get to work 
on a cadaver that is as cold as ice 
Your inner organs will be replaced by me 
I use your body for my sickening science 
My obscene autopsy of you 
as I cut you limb by limb 

Draining your substance 
Tearing your soul apart 
Your body soon will perish 
into the void of outrageous art 
I want you to enter my kingdom 
of putrefaction and sickening deeds 
as I call upon you my stillborn child 
To slaughter is getting me high 

Dismembered mind 
It's a sickening crime 
Death is astray 
of my sick sadistic ways 
Isn't life absurd
Artist: Centinex
Title: Shadow Are Astray