She Used To Be My Girl - O'Jays

Sh-Sh-Should've x4

Good loving
The girls got pretty good lovin'
Ask me how I know
And I'll tell you so..
She used to be my girl
My Giiirl

I respect her
When she was mine
I used to neglect her
She wanted more than I could give
But as long as I live
She'll be my girl

She used to be my girl
She used to be my girl

She had a charming personality
The girl was so right for me
Shes my girl

And If I had the chance
I'd take her back
As a matter a fact
Right away
Like today

Not only good-lookin
The girl was so smart
Can't beat her cooking
Ask me how I know
And I'll tell you so
She used to be my girl

I still love her
I'd place noone above her